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Roman Reigns Roasts 3 Fans… Ending the last Tweet with #DumbassMark


Reigns is no stranger to criticism and he usually stays quite. Not this time.

Twitter is the Big Dog’s yard

We’re used to seeing Roman Reigns getting a lot of heat for being who he is…Roman Reigns. The guy that pretty much made it to the top to the dismay of many. Whether if you like him or not; one should not be blind to the fact that WWE wrestlers always work hard.

Roman Reigns’ rise to the top wasn’t the way we envisioned it nor is it making us any happier. Regardless of his one-dimensional face character; he can still be a solid heel on Twitter.


Earlier today; Reigns tweeted out the following, “Let ME give you a tip amateur. @WWE is the Top of the Mountain in Pro Wrestling. A view you’ll never deserve or get to enjoy. #Facts” in response to a fan’s tweet in which he spelled out his dislike for WWE “politics”. On behalf of the fan, it was a bad move. It only got better after that.

Another fan got into the mix and the result wasn’t any better. He tweeted out, “And your sorry ass was positioned at the top thanks to family. You were handed your position. You never earned it. BELEEDAT” Reigns’ following tweet gave birth to “#DumbAssMark”. “Yea I guess working my butt off 5 days a week while being away from my wife and kids for the last 7 years is being “handed” it. #DumbAssMark”.

The third and final fan came to the aid of his humiliated buddies with the following, “How about the other guys that work their butt off and get away from their wife and kids for years too and still jobbing?” It took two more “Superman Tweets” to end the mini-feud. “Yea I guess working my butt off 5 days a week while being away from my wife and kids for the last 7 years is being “handed” it. #DumbAssMark”.

Moments like these remind us of how great of a heel Reigns can be. That Twitter rant got many fans to appreciate what he does.

Luis Flores
