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Opinion: StubHub Center is a terrible football stadium


The Los Angeles Chargers’ temporary stadium is quite possibly one of the worst stadiums to ever host professional football.

As a lifelong Chargers fan, I was a bit excited to see the team play their first game in Los Angeles. I was unsure about the team deciding to play in a stadium originally built for soccer, but I decided to see how it would work out.

After having watched their first game at the Stubhub Center on TV, I realized how terrible the stadium looked.

There is nothing wrong with StubHub Center. When either the Los Angeles Galaxy or any other soccer team plays at the stadium, it looks great. It may not be as big as either Estadio Azteca in Mexico City or any of the numerous soccer stadiums throughout Europe, but it looks great on TV and is the right size for the Galaxy.

However, it looks really weird for the Chargers. Everything just looks cramped and shoehorned. The stadium was clearly never meant to host professional football games.

While it has hosted the NFLPA Collegiate Bowl since 2012, those are college games that will always have a smaller attendance than a professional game. Watching the Chargers play at StubHub is just sad. While the team has talked about how great it is, the stadium is just too small for professional football.

It honestly would have been better for the Chargers to play at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum. It may have had to alternate weekends between the Rams and USC Trojans, but at least it looks better than playing at StubHub. In addition, if both the Chargers and Rams played in the same stadium, it could easily prepare fans for when the teams eventually move into the new stadium being built in Inglewood.

What do you think about the Los Angeles Chargers playing at a soccer stadium? Would it have been better for the team to have played at the Coliseum? Feel free to respond down in the comments section.

Joel Garcia
