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Washington D.C. first to offer gender neutral driver’s license


The capital of the United States becomes the first place in the nation to offer gender neutral driver’s licenses to people.

Everyone knew it was bound to happen one day soon, but few could probably guess where the first gender neutral licenses would come from. Most people would be likely to guess the state that was first to allow same sex marriages would also be the first to allow gender neutral licenses for citizens.

Tuesday, June 27th, marked the first day gender licenses became available in the United States, and the place to pick up the gender neutral licenses was none other than the nation’s capital. Citizens were lined up early in the morning to get their gender neutral licenses, many of them renewing their government-issued licenses specifically for this reason.


Instead of marking male or female as the person’s sex, an X would be placed on the license to signify a gender neutral marker.

The United States has never allowed any other option besides male or female to be listed as a person’s sex. It will not be long before other states exercise this as well, with Oregon currently slated to begin offering gender neutral licenses in July.

Warren Peace
