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Blinkers save lives


Moving your finger one inch can change the world

Growing up we all pretty much learn the same basic things in life, right from wrong, left from right, etc. This rule tends to apply to pretty much every aspect of our lives. One such is driving. Regardless if you learned to drive a stick shift or an automatic, or learned to drive at 32 versus 15. At the end of the day you still learned the basic principles of driving just like every one else. Pressing on the gas means you will move forward, slamming on the breaks means you will aggressively stop and so on and so forth. However, there is one aspect of driving that people either do not learn when they are being taught how to drive, they choose to forget they learned it, or they are just complete sociopaths who just want to watch the world burn. Those people, are ones who do not use blinkers.

Now, I am not talking about the occasional forgetting to signal when changing of lanes(which is technically a legal requirement) no, I’m talking about the people who constantly shift lanes with out signaling, or make turns without the slightest indication, or aggressively try to pull out of somewhere without indicating which direction they intend to travel. Those are the people for which I am referring to. People who can’t be bothered to move their finger one little inch. One inch, can make all the difference in the world. By moving your finger one tiny inch(or 2.45 centimeters for all you metric system users out there)you can change the course of not only your life, but the people around you. That small gesture, for all intents and purpose, is a signal that you are heading in a different direction, therefor, going against the flow of traffic and thus causing a disturbance in the continuous momentum that has been created. So many accidents are caused by people forgetting to signal, or purposely choosing to be lazy and not move their finger one inch and in turn, bad things happen.


It might seem mundane and mediocre, but never underestimate the power of what one inch can do. Taking the mental time to be aware of your surroundings and also being present in the moment will not only make you a better driver, but it will also make the world a safer place, one inch at a time.


