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Meet the “avolatte”, the epitome of hipster innovation

Some things should simply not be paired together, but that doesn’t mean people won’t do that anyway. That’s exactly what happened when the “avolatte” was born – someone thought “You know what’s great? Lattes! You know what would be greater? To put them in an avocado!”

Combing two of Melbourne's obsessions – lattes and avo ?

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The name is quite self-explanatory: an “avolatte” is a latte that is served in an avocado. Why someone would prefer to drink a latte from an avocado and not from a regular cup is not clear and raises a lot of questions. Would the coffee be infused with avocado?

Would someone be able to hold it without a handle? Is it just another way of saving on washing up?

One man posted a picture online of his avolatte from a cafe in Turkey and there is also a coffee shop in Australia sharing these beverages, according to the Independent. However, not everyone is a fan of this invention:

Daisy Wilder
