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They understand us from a single look. The proof that humans and dogs evolved together

Dog is man’s best friend. Loyal, playful and easy to train, the beloved pet is among the most intelligent mammals on the planet. Few people know, though, that dogs are different from other animals due to their intuition as well. For example, dogs can follow your look in order to discover what you know and see things from a human perspective. It seems unbelievable, right?

According to a recent study conducted by a team from the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, dogs are highly sensitive when it comes to contact with human eyes, and they even proved they know how to evaluate the emotional state of humans when they ask for food.

Scientists tested 16 dogs to see whether they can intercept human look. During the experiment, a person that knew in which container there is food made gestures towards it, while another participant, who did not know where the food was located, pointed towards a random container. Dogs managed to correctly interpret which person knew where food was located in 70% of cases.


Experts say that the result of the study is not necessarily surprising, considering that humans and dogs evolved together, and the success of the canines can be mostly attributed to their ability of correctly respond to human actions.

This can explain why dogs understand their owners’ emotions so well.

Lacey Blair
