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Juggling Jobs: How to handle wearing multiple hats – Opinion


It seems like everyone has different hats to wear lately. The problem, though, is we still have one head for all of those hats. It’s not easy to wear seven hats on one head, and if you don’t believe me then just try it yourself and let me know how it works out for you.

I have many hats I have to wear weekly. Here’s a list of them:

The Write Reviews

  • owner
  • editor
  • manager
  • customer relations
  • public relations
  • business relations
  • publicist on all platforms
  • writer
  • interviewer
  • sales
  • website upkeep and posting
  • promotion and marketing manager

The Write Rhymes Radio Show

  • host
  • playlist manager
  • public relations
  • business relations
  • interviewer
  • publicist on all platforms
  • promotion and marketing manager

As well as

  • website content writer
  • book writer
  • self-promotion
  • self-marketing
  • planner for work and personal scheduling
  • father

I’m not saying I hold a world record or anything, but those are a lot of hats. More than enough, really. How am I able to juggle all of those jobs, and handle the randomness life throws in the mix without warning? Well, I’ve made a list of the five ways I am able to keep all of these things going and then some.

#1- Time Management

I know this is one of the least favorites things for anyone to do, and personally, this was/is one of the hardest things for me to make into a habit. I’ve been using this technique all year long and it’s like my mind is trying to force me to forget to do it every Sunday night no matter how many reminders I put in place.

Regardlesss, time management is the key to juggling all of my jobs. Every Sunday night, I set my schedule for the week. I put the most important tasks into my weekly schedule first, followed by the second-most important tasks, and if there is enough room then I will insert more tasks. I always give a little extra time before and after each task I put into the schedule to account for any variables life throws my way. For example, if I have a doctor’s appointment at one in the afternoon then I am going to mark off 12pm-2pm for that appointment. This gives me time to get to the appointment as well as time to compensate for anything that could cause me to be a little late or have to stay at the appointment a little longer than anticipated.

This helps to make sure I am not rushing and life doesn’t have to be perfect every single day, because it’s just not going to happen that way. Sometimes, if I’m lucky, everything will go as planned and there will be enough extra time at the end of the day to complete another task or to enjoy a movie or television show and relax. You might not like how I plan out my week by using time blocks. Either way, find out what works best for you, but definitely make sure you are keeping a schedule to keep yourself organized and ready to complete the tasks you need to reach your goals.

#2- Stay Focused

For some, this might be so easy and simply that you wouldn’t dream of putting it on this list. For others, like myself, this is one of the things you have to constantly remind yourself to do. Whenever something is scheduled, I do my best to make sure that time is spent doing what I am supposed to do. Sometimes I can get the task completed before time runs out, and if that’s the case then I use the rest of the time to work on getting another task done or I find a way to relax for a little while before moving on to the next task on the schedule.


If I run out of time before the task is completed, I make a note of it so I can schedule more time to work on the task so it gets completed then I move on to the next thing I have scheduled. Usually I know if something is going to need several blocks of time to get completed, so I am prepared to use the time I have scheduled for that task as proficiently as possible, but I’m also aware that I will not be completing the task within the time I have scheduled for the task that day.

#3 Always Make Time For Yourself and Your Family

You should have time set aside for yourself and your family every day, and at least one day a week that provides you to be free from work to allow yourself time to enjoy yourself and your family. This should not be a question or up for debate, this is something you need to do for yourself and for your business. You do not want to feel overwhelmed or exhausted by not giving yourself enough time to relax or enjoy the things in life that make you happy outside of work. It will eventually bring you down and as a result, it will bring down your business. Keep yourself feeling fresh and at full strength by allowing yourself to be free from work at least once, if not twice, a week.

#4 Keep Similar or Like-Minded Tasks Grouped Together

Whenever possible, group together the tasks that work toward the same goal or fall under a similar category. Since I have stuff to do for The Write Reviews, The Write Rhymes Radio Show, and in my personal life, I usually set aside at least one day for each ‘group’. For example, Monday might be strictly tasks that fall under accomplishments I want to achieve for The Write Reviews. Tuesday might be the day I work on tasks for The Write Rhymes Radio Show. Wednesday could be the best day for me to knock personal stuff out of the way. Once I have done that, I will try to put similar tasks next to each other.

All of this helps in several ways. Most of all, this keeps you in the same frame of mind when moving from one task to the next, which saves on time and energy. If you want to be as productive as possible, this is a huge step to remember to implement into your schedule.

#5 Take Breaks Regularly

This is especially crucial if you’re an entrepreneur, such as myself. If you want to be on a schedule, taking breaks will not only enforce a schedule, it will also keep you fresh throughout the day to complete the tasks on your schedule. Make sure, depending on which hours of the day you work, to give yourself time for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a proper amount of sleep. You need energy to perform productively. Then make sure you take a ten-to-fifteen minute break every four hours to have a snack, clear your mind, or make a phone call you forgot to add to your schedule that day. These smaller breaks will help you from feeling fatigued or bored with the tasks at hand. If scheduled properly, this can also help you get ready for the next task mentally if you are making an extreme adjustment from one task to the next.

These five things have helped me improve in several areas, and I hope this list helps you as well. To recap, here is the list one more time.

  1. Time Management
  2. Stay Focused
  3. Always Make Time For Yourself and Your Family
  4. Keep Similar or Like-Minded Tasks Together
  5. Take Breaks Regularly

Warren Peace
