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The women who suffer just because they’re women: From child marriages to female genital mutilation


‘Feminism’ is often misinterpreted as an idea that women are superior to men. Furthermore, some believe that there is no need for feminism as women don’t seem to suffer in the same way that history demonstrates. However, many women still do suffer due to the fact that they are female.

The definition of feminism:

The advocacy of women’s rights on the ground of equality of the sexes.


Although we’ve come along way in terms of bringing about equality, there are still many ways in which women suffer.

Instances in which women still do suffer include:

  • Female Genital Mutilation (FGM)
  • Gender pay gap
  • Sexual harrasment in the workplace
  • Child marriages

Female Genital mutilation

The definition of Female Genital Mutilation (according to the NHS website):

Female Genital Mutilation is a procedure where the female genitals are deliberatly cut, injured or changed, but where theres no medical reason for this to be done.

FGM is usually carried out on young girls between infancy and the age of 15. It is most commonly done before puberty starts. Those who carry out FGM are often traditional circumsisers or cutters who don’t have any medical training. It is usually done against a girls will with no consent being given.

There are many possible effects of FGM:

  • Constant pain
  • Pain/difficulty having sex
  • Problems during labour and childbirth
  • Depression
  • Flashbacks
  • Self harm

Why does it happen?

This is due to various cultural, religious and social reasons. There is a belief that it will be of benefit somehow e.g. preparation for marriage or to preserve her virginity. However, FGM isn’t required by any religion and there are no religious texts to support it. It is a painful procedure and doesn’t have any health benefits.

Where does it happen?

Communities that perform FGM can be found in many parts of Africa, Asia and the Middle East. In the UK, FGM is illegal. Sometimes girls are taken abroad for the procedure and those who’s families come from FGM practising backgrounds are of higher risk.

Gender pay gap


The gender pay gap is the average difference between a man and woman’s salaries.

In some cases, women are paid less than men for doing the exact same job. The reasons why aren’t always clear. However, some believe it’s linked with the unpredictability of a woman having to go on maternity leave.

Sexual harassment in the work

Sexual harassment is the unwelcomed behaviour of which is a sexual nature.

Examples of Sexual harassment:

  • Comments or jokes that are of a sexual nature
  • Unwanted physical behaviour
  • Demands for sexual activity

Anyone of any gender can be sexually harassed. According to the BBC website a TUC study suggests that more than half of women say they have been sexually harassed at work. Moreover, most of them said that those incidents went unreported.

The effects of sexual harassment:

According to the livescience website there are several mental health implications including:

  • Depression
  • PTSD
  • sleep problems
  • In some cases, suicide.

Child marriages

Here are some statistics from the UNFPA website:

  • In developing countries, 1 in every 3 girls are married before they reach age 18.
  • In developing countries, 1 in 9 is married under the age of 15
  • In developing countries, 9 out of 10 births in adolescent girls occur within a marriage or union

Why does it happen

Some parents believe that it will provide security for their daughters as they have the possibility of being taken care of by another family. Furthermore, sometimes child marriages can happen as a result of financial trouble.


Child marriages put children at risk of sexually transmitted infections. Children in marriages are often forced to drop out of school to take care of household responsibilities.

Feminism aims to tackle all the issues previously mentioned. Feminism exists so that women and men alike can be treated equally.

Imogen Partridge
