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Five accessories for your home bar you didn’t know you needed until now


Owning a world-class bar in the comfort of your own home is a dream to many (well, at least to me it is), but unfortunately not everybody has the kind of expenses to go towards that dream bar right away. Luckily, there are a few other fun ways to add to your “beginner-haven’t-reached-its-full-epic-potential-yet” bar.

Next time, when daydreaming about your ultimate fantasy bar, be sure to check out these five glorious and quirky bar accessories along the way – trust me, you will thank us later.

This Multi-Function Citrus Juicer


This multifunctional tool will be your best friend at the bar. Made by Barbarian Bar Tools (props to a sick name by the way), and started entirely by a successful Kickstarter campaign, the Barbarian is a nifty tool much like the Swiss army knife in the bar world. It comes complete with eight other features, aside from the citrus press of course: a corkscrew, a lever, a jigger, three different types of knives (a one-inch knife, a channel knife, and a citrus knife), a can lance, a zester, and a bottle opener. With so many uses wrapped into a tiny little package, we can guarantee you reaching for this handy little juicer any chance you get. The small size of the Barbarian makes it perfect to stash at any home bar.


A Cocktail Cyclone Mixer


Want it shaken, stirred, or…cycloned?! Mix things up at home with a Cocktail Cyclone Mixer. Constructed with a combination of extremely durable stainless steel and acrylic glass, this fun mixer Is nearly impenetrable – like Luke Cage impenetrable. To whirl your drink into a cyclone frenzy, simply hit the button and watch as the 18-ounce mixer blends your next cocktail in minutes. Unleash your inner geek with this undoubtedly cool Cocktail Cyclone Mixer, and with it being able to mix up to 100 drinks before having to replace the batteries, you can sit back & relax and let the party go on! There are a few different ones out on the market, so there are options to choose from.

This Fruit Keg





Nothing screams party more than a keg and fruity booze. So why not combine the two and make your shindig EPIC? Introducing the Fruit Keg Tapping Kit. Turn any melon, or sphere-shaped fruit or veggie (try a pumpkin for a Halloween gathering), into a festive and delicious keg for your next party with this easy-to-use tool. Simply slice the bottom of the said fruit or veggie for a flat surface, cut the top off and hollow out the insides, then fill it with your desired beverage. Instantly transform it into a keg as you insert the shank-faucet combo into the front. Now all that is left to do is party and have a good time – so let’s get the party started!


This Beer Aroma Booster


Nobody likes stale beer, but luckily the Sonic Foamer is here to keep that brew of yours foamy and rich. As any experienced beer drinker will know, the aroma lies in the head of the beer – once that head is gone, so is the aroma and flavor of the beer, and where is the fun in that? Revive the foam head with the Sonic Foamer, a clever little device that uses just two teaspoons of water and precisely calibrated ultrasonic waves to create bubbles in the beer glass, resulting in a delicious and aromatic creamy head. Now you and your buddies can enjoy a pint always bursting with flavor. Cheers!


 A Beer Layering Tool


They say two is better than one, and it certainly rings true when it comes to the classic Black and Tan. Widely popular in late 19th century Britain, this fascinating drink combines two opposites in the beverage world into one delicious glass: the pale ale and the dark stout. Due to the finesse and skill required to make the drink, it is usually not a popular drink to recreate in your home bar…until now. Impress your friends and create a perfect Black and Tan with this handy beer-layering tool. Made to fit perfectly over a pint glass, all you need to do is pour your selected beverage as the bottom layer into the glass, then with the layering tool on top, slowly pour your second or third layer in – and presto! Before you know it, a perfectly layered glass of two or even three beers is in your hand. We do encourage you to experiment. (Hard cider and Guinness anyone?)

Impress your friends and create a perfect Black and Tan with this handy beer-layering tool. Made to fit perfectly over a pint glass, all you need to do is pour your selected beverage as the bottom layer into the glass, then with the layering tool on top, slowly pour your second or third layer in – and presto! Before you know it, a perfectly layered glass of two or even three beers is in your hand. We do encourage you to experiment. (Hard cider and Guinness anyone?)

Crystal Chan-Long
