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The most important holiday photos to take before you’ve even left the house

Traveling involves the same old routine when it comes to leaving the house: turn off all the mains switches, make sure the hob and all the lights are off, make sure the fish feeder is set up.

When going on vacation, most people worry that they have left the hob on or the mains. This panic can be overcome by simply taking pictures, as the Independent reports.

Nicole Dieker at Lifehacker said that she takes photos before going on long trips to give herself proof that the oven dials are in the right place and the thermostats are turned off. “The funny thing is that I’ve never once wanted to look at this proof after I’ve photographed it,” she said, adding that “it also turns off the part of my brain that gets anxious about accidentally leaving something on.”


As you photograph each appliance, you will make sure that it is off, thus making a checklist of all the possible risks.

Daisy Wilder
