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5 triggers to remember why you should leave your job


If at any point in your life, the idea of going to your place of employment seems dreadful beyond measure, then it’s time to step it up.

While hard work and dedication is truly important in this world, there is something that ranks higher: your own piece of mind.

You’re the only version of yourself that exists currently. Which means only you can affect what decisions you make your in life that target the directions you are going. Your job is a place you spend almost 2/3 of your day at, and if it isn’t doing anything positive for you, it can feel like you’re dying slowly.


While many are afraid to make changes in their lives for fear of upsetting the current path they are on, these 5 tips should serve as a reminder you may need to make a move as soon as possible.

1) If you have an extremely hard time concentrating on anything: your work, your interactions, even looking outside your window, without feeling an irrational amount of frustration, then clearly your job is toxic to your well-being.

2) If you feel the need to buck against the system, then you don’t respect it at all. Which can make a lot of sense, as many places of employment make consistent choices that don’t make any sense to employees let alone do they help them by any means.

3) If you feel combative against your fellow co-workers, it would make complete sense that you don’t feel comfortable in your surroundings. Part of what makes any location tolerable are the interactions you share with those close by. If it becomes a chore just to speak to someone, what positive outlook can you possibly have?

4) If you feel a sense of hopelessness, as in, no matter what you do, it all feels pointless, then you’ve hit the end of the road. As people, we may usually strive for a challenge. If things don’t work out, you definitely leave room to try again. But what if you’ve tried dozens of times and the outcome is still the same? What if, no matter what supervisor you spoke to, what workload you tried to take on, or how many hours you spent trying to do extra work, nothing changes positively? It’s just a clear cut sign this place is no longer for you.

5) If, before you even reach your place of employment, you can literally feel your soul drop to the pit of your stomach, and a sense of numbness takes over occurs, that can only mean one thing; you’ve completely checked out. You have literally nothing left. No hope, no pride, no belief in the future. You’ve officially quit by all means except telling that to your employer. Nothing is worse than this feeling. It will have you questioning not only yourself, but your entire purpose. There should never be a reason to living with these state of mind. It is dangerous in so many ways. Save yourself the stress and go. NOW.

Whatever you decide, remember there is only one of YOU. Your job can replace you at any point, for any reason. You cannot do the same for yourself. Always put yourself first.


Joel Philip
