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How to become more creative. The answer will surprise you

These days is very hard to get bored with all social media and the information flow. However, scientists found that boredom could be good for you, especially for your creativity.

Boredom, even though it might seem unpleasant, has real benefits from bringing more creative ideas to giving our brains space for new associations and way to improve different situations. Science proves that never being bored means having way fewer fresh ideas.

A 2014 study in the Journal of Experimental Social Psychology found that bored people “are more likely to engage in sensation seeking”—that is, to look for activities or sights that engage their minds and stimulate the brain’s reward centres. These people are more prone to “divergent thinking styles”—the ability to come up with creative new ideas. “Thus, boredom may encourage people to approach rewards and spark associative thought.”


Another study led by researchers at the University of Central Lancashire found that boring tasks like copying and reading numbers from a phone book brought more creative answers to the possible uses for plastic cups.

So if you wonder how can you recover the feeling of boredom here are a few tips.

Try and get in the habit of spacing out. Gadgets and the Internet provide your brain’s rewards centres with hits of pleasure which makes your brain crave more of these activities. However, if you put in the effort to resist using your phone, for example, over time you will learn to ignore it and even space out every once in awhile.

Rethink your communication means. Try not to check your email as often and make a constructive strategy regarding the importance of the respective emails.

Get acquainted with feeling uncomfortable. When you are faced with uncomfortable feelings, be it the result of a fight of bad news, try not to distract yourself with a phone. Face those uncomfortable emotions instead of running from them and you will also get in touch with your creative side.

Alexa Stewart
