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This is how often you should wash your bed sheets

We may be spending a third of our lives in bed, but our comfy sleeping spots can quickly turn into real health hazards. We can prevent this by regularly washing out sheets, but how often should we do it, more exactly?

New York University microbiologist Philip Tierno states that sheets should be washed once a week because they can become an “ideal fungal culture medium”, with pillows and bed linen containing up to 20 different species of fungus.

Furthermore, besides the fungi and bacteria that come from your sweat, sputum, skin cells, and vaginal and anal excretions, bed sheets are also perfect grounds for animal dander, pollen, soil, lint, dust mite debris and feces, and finishing agents from whatever the sheets are made from. All this piles up due to a simple fact: gravity. “Just like Rome over time was buried with the debris that falls from gravity, gravity is what brings all that material into your mattress,” Tierno explains.


Over time, this can lead to severe allergies, so make sure to clean your bed sheets. “If you touched dog poo in the street, you’d want to wash your hands,” Phillip Tierno said. “Consider that analogous to your bedding. If you saw what was there — but of course you don’t see it — after a while you have to say to yourself, ‘Do I want to sleep in that?'”

Lydia Peirce
