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Night owls, don’t despair! Creativity flourishes at night


Two groups of people have been categorised with regard to sleeping patterns

Two groups of people have been categorised with regard to sleeping patterns: early birds and night owls.

In what may come as welcome news to the ears of nocturnal individuals, “night” people are now said to be more intelligent than morning larks. This is enlightening given that for generations we have become acquainted with the need to wake up early in order to be productive. “The early bird catches the worm”, as the saying goes.


It appears that being a night owl endows a person with creative skill – at a price: hardship to wake up in the mornings and feeling dozy until later in the day.

Most people who stay up until the early hours report having spikes of energy at night. It is when ideas come to them or they receive flashes of insight. There can be something magical about night time. Silence and mystery pervades.

Night owls instinctively engage with the process of reflecting on thoughts they have had during the day in a dreamlike state, invigorating their creativity over time.

We each have our own internal clocks, which cannot be easily modified. Some claim to not be part of either category but a “hummingbird” or a “permanently exhausted pigeon”.

It is worth noting, however, that the creativity of night owls is enhanced by their ability to tap into the silent dimension of night.

Judith Brown
