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The art of relaxation


So many times I’ve heard friends say, “I’ve got no time to relax.” Have we forgotten how?

It’s a fast-paced world. Our to-do lists seem never-ending. There’s an account and password for everything. Sometimes it feels like there aren’t enough hours in the day and we’re tired all the time. Mindfulness and well-being are critical in winning the battle against stress. Steadying and readying the mind to cope with the business of life is key. There are retreats and courses; even apps to help manage your day-to-day. But what if you’re too busy to jet off to a retreat? What if you’re on a budget? It’s time to make DIY, cost-effective relaxation a priority. So many times I’ve heard friends say, “I have no time to relax.” Have we forgotten how? Or are we just too busy to stop and smell the roses?

If you find it hard to disconnect from the hustle or to make time for yourself, you’re not alone. Financial success is how many men measure themselves; and so the grind never stops. Many women often admit to feeling guilty about taking ‘me-time’, despite desperately needing it. The first step is to banish that guilt if you’re feeling run down. You’re no good to your loved ones if exhausted to the point of frustration. Taking time to recharge your batteries does not make you a bad person so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. Once that guilt is gone, you can begin to take those steps toward a more relaxed you.


So …

Breathe. This should help to clear the mind. Take a few minutes every morning and breathe. Do this whenever needed. Inhale and feel your chest rise. Exhale and feel it deflate. Focus on each breath. Centre your mind.

Stretch. Extend your arms and reach for the skies. Feel your muscles stretch. Ask your doctor to recommend some simple exercises and he/she will provide print-outs to guide you on the safest ways to stretch.

Exercise is important and does not require a gym membership. Buy a good old-fashioned jump rope. If you’ve got free access to a pool, use it. It’s a full workout. If you can make it to the beach, even better. Swim … lounge … feel the sun on your skin. Walk, jog, run. Box, bike, hike. We all know the story about endorphins. Give yourself that much needed boost.

Dance! Go ahead and let loose, right there in the middle of your living room. No one’s watching. Even if they were, don’t let that stop you. Free your mind. Make fun your mantra. Like they say, work hard, play hard.

If you’re a fan of a more relaxed workout, invest in a yoga mat or exercise ball. Many acclaimed fitness gurus have blogs and DVD’s available to assist you with yoga and pilates, among other things. And of course, there’s YouTube. Do some research before choosing a mentor. Choose a workout you like; something that suits.

Work on body and mind. Concentrate on positive self-talk. Don’t beat yourself up over an incomplete task. As long as you’re trying hard you can work on it another day. Just don’t miss your deadlines. Those are still important!


Let go of life’s stressors where you can. Don’t let anything or anyone eat away at your peace of mind. Talk things out when conflicts arise. Write things down if you must. Some people keep a diary. If you’re not a diary person, write it down, then throw it out. Just let it all out. If your stress is the result of a life-changing incident, perhaps confiding in someone – a friend or professional – might be the way to go. It’s okay to need help sometimes.

Declutter your mind. Don’t keep your to-do list in your head. Put it on paper or a mobile device. And don’t forget to check things off your list. It feels good to accomplish your goals, as small as they may be.

Be kind to yourself and others. Practice optimism. Then spread it around.

Share. Share your knowledge, your time, your lunch! Give of yourself, without expectation. When kindness comes your way, pay it forward.

Immerse yourself in nature. Literally stop and smell the roses. Take the time to soak up the views. There are so many parks in the heart of the city. And they’re free! If you’re lucky enough to be surrounded by nature, don’t take it for granted. Don’t take anything for granted. Take a moment to play with your kids; that’s another great way to work out. Grab that football or hop on those bikes. Spend quality time with those you love.

Schedule down-time. Make a note in your calendar/planner. Set a reminder and stick to it. Even for a mere twenty minutes, take that ‘me-time’. Do something you absolutely love, whatever that may be. Everyone is different. Light a candle and take a bath; bake cookies or make jam, play an instrument or listen to music, go to a concert or movie; watch your favourite sitcom or make a coffee date with your partner or friend. Have a boys’ night, girls’ night or group night.

Focus on the things that bring you joy. Smile. Laugh. What they say about laughter is true so pick up the phone right now and call the funniest person you know. On that note, it’s time to call my sister …

Esha Young
