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VIDEO: Mrs Gold Extracts Huge and Gross Back Blackhead

People have a weird passion for watching disgusting things.

While some watch this kind of video to understand and learn how to get rid of blackheads, some just want to see them because they are weirdly fascinated by the gross and grotesque.

According to, a blackhead extractor, also called a comedone extractor, is a special tool designed to remove the dirt and skin cell plugs that cause blackheads.


A blackhead extractor tool is commonly used by dermatologists, or during facials, because it can remove toxins from the skin without causing significant damage.

The tool is available through beauty stores or even in drug stores.

However, it is important to learn how to use a blackhead extractor tool properly, because if used incorrectly, it can cause permanent skin damage and scarring.

There are two main types of blackhead extractor tools, and each has a specific purpose.

The first type of extractor has two heads. One side of the tool has a small spoon with a hole in the middle. The hole is small enough that it fits snuggly over the blackhead.

As gentle pressure is applied to the area, the trapped sebum is pushed out and released from the skin.

On the other side of the extractor is a small, and very sharp, lancet that can be used to puncture a whitehead so that the sebum can be released.


Lancets are sharp and can be very dangerous. It is important that only a competent skin care specialist use a lancet when working with blemishes or whiteheads.

The other type of blackhead extractor has a cupped end on one or both sides of the tool.

Each spoon-like end is in a different size so that it can accommodate different sizes of blackheads.

Sometimes, one end of the extractor may also be angled so that it can reach difficult areas like crevices of the outer ear or the side of the nose.

To get the best results from a blackhead extractor, it is important to fully cleanse the skin with warm water beforehand.

This serves to expand the pores and loosen the trapped sebum. You can even steam your skin before a treatment to open pores and make them easier to clean.

Once your face is clean, you can begin to use the blackhead extractor. Place the tool over the blackhead and press gently on one side, moving the tool across the affected area.

The motion is very similar to spreading butter on bread.

After you perform the blackhead extraction, it is important that you cleanse your skin again so that the pores will not become infected.

You should follow the cleansing with a quality facial toner and the best face moisturizer for your skin type.

If you choose to use a blackhead extractor, you should never push too hard on a blackhead. Sometimes a blackhead can be stubborn or difficult to remove.

If it does not become dislodged with gentle pressure, you should treat it with a topical acne cream such as salicylic acid.

Pushing too hard on skin can damage skin cells, causing more problems than will be initially evident during the treatment.

