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World’s “oldest human” dies aged 146

An Indonesian man who claimed to be 146 years old, thus making him the longest living human ever, has died in his village in Central Java, BBC News reports.

The man, named Sodimedjo and also known as Mbah Ghoto (grandpa Ghoto), claimed that he was born in December 1870.

Sodimedjo was taken to the hospital on April 12 due to deteriorating health, yet he insisted to be dismissed six days later, in order to return home.

“Since he came back from the hospital, he only ate spoonfuls of porridge and drank very little,” declared Suyanto, his grandson.

“It only lasted a couple of days. From that moment on to his death, he refused to eat and drink,” he further added.

Sodimedjo outlives four wives, 10 siblings and all of his children, attributing his longevity to patience and adding that he had “a long life because I have people that love me looking after me”.

The man was a popular figure in his village, as he was telling stories about wars against Japan and Dutch colonisers.

Sodimedjo was buried in a local cemetery plot he had bought several years ago.

Indonesia only started recording births in 1900, so even though Sodimedjo’s documents seem valid, his age still needs to be independently verified for his record to be fully validated.

Lydia Peirce
