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Not looking someone in the eyes is racist, according to Oxford University

Not looking someone in the eye when talking to them is racist, according to Oxford equality and diversity unit, that has sent a list of “micro-aggressions” in its Trinity term newsletter.

One would wonder what if the person in question is simply shy and that is the reason they don’t look people in the eye, is that now considered racist?

Oxford students were also told not to ask a black or ethnic minority student where they are from “originally”, and that joking about someone’s accent may be racist, Evening Standard reports.


The newsletter reads: “Sometimes called ‘micro-aggressions’, subtle everyday racism can appear trivial.”

“But repeated micro-aggressions can be tiring and alienating (and can lead to mental ill health).

“Racial micro-aggressions might include not making eye contact or speaking directly to people; not believing someone is British (‘Where are you from? No, I mean originally …’); ‘jokes’ drawing attention to someone’s difference, their accent or nationality.”

“Some people who do these things may be entirely well-meaning and would be mortified to realise that they had caused offence.”

“But this is of little consequence if a possible effect of their words or actions is to suggest to people that they may fulfil a negative stereotype, or do not belong.”

Tom Slater, co-ordinator of The Free Speech University Ranking project that highlights censorship on university campuses, said it is ridiculous to suggest that not looking someone in the eye was a micro form of racism.

“This is all part of a chilling desire on the part of university authorities to police not just opinions, but everyday conversations between students.  It’s not only deeply authoritarian, it has a chilling effect on how students interact with one another,”he told the Times.


Joanna Lewis
