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Has comedian Kathy Griffin taken the anti-Trump protest too far?


Kathy Griffin wants to chop off Donald Trump’s head in the goriest way possible.

The entertainer posed for a bloody and intense shot during a photo session with famous photographer Tyler Shields. Shields is known for photographing edgy, outrageous pictures.

Throughout the photo shoot, Griffin joked that she and Shields would need to move to Mexico once the photographs were released, in fear of imprisonment.


Trump’s critics have questioned him for inciting violence with his speech. Will they be shocked by Kathy Griffin? Or will they support her bold attitude?

Many critics have inquired about the response of liberals. Where is the outrage? Why are they silent? Few have agreed that Griffin has the right to express herself freely due to the Constitution’s First Amendment.

However, other spectators have commented their fear of what the imagery represents. They do not want violence against Trump to be normalized since he is the leader of the United States.

Where does the line need to be drawn for the Anti-Trump protest? Or should artist like Kathy Griffin deserve support for depicting what many people across the United States feel during this time?


Samantha Torres
