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This is how Jonah Hill managed to lose the weight gained for the movie ”War Dogs”

Actor Jonah Hill has been repeatedly praised by both fans and the media for losing almost 20 kilograms after gaining that weight for his role in the movie ”War Dogs”. How did he do it, though?

Jonah Hill said that a change in diet was the one thing that helped him lose most weight after the movie ”War Dogs”. “I wish there was some crazy thing that I did, like a pill or a genie or something, but I went to see a nutritionist, and he told me what to eat and to change my habits and stuff,” he declared.


The famous actor admitted that Japanese food and quitting beer were key elements in his weight loss process.

The last trick that Hill used in his weight-loss process was keeping a food diary that he sent to his nutritionist so as to make sure that he is on track with his plan.

Lydia Peirce
