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Deborah Watling 1948 – 2017


Best known for her role in Doctor Who, Actress Deborah Watling passes away following a short battle with cancer.

Watling was born in Buckinghamshire in 1948 as the daughter of 1940’s film star Jack Watling, and started her TV career at an early age.

Her first TV appearance was as a child in William Tell and went on to appear in the TV adaption of HG Wells’ The Invisible Man, before her appearances in Doctor Who.

She stared alongside Patrick Troughton’s second Doctor and Frazer Hines in Doctor Who from 1967 to 1968 before leaving the show.

She went on to appear in numrerous television series including The Newcomers, Rising Damp and World War II drama Danger UXB.

She continued her acting career until 1981 before stepping back from public life, although she has returned to the role of Victoria on several occasions, including audio dramas with Big Finish Productions and on TV once more in the 50th anniversary Doctor Who special The Five(ish) Doctors.

Stars of the show have already taken to Twitter to offer their condolences.

Her brother, Conservative MP for Clacton, Giles Watling said “She was a lovely, lovely girl, bubbly and vibrant,” and that she would be “sorely missed.”

Barry Tinkler
