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Review: Girl With All The Gifts


Just when you thought zombie ensembles were past their prime, this scary-good feature comes along and throws some heat down in the undead genre.

Girl With All The Gifts, the closing film at September’s Atlantic Film Festival in Halifax, was greeted with praise in the city after its chilling, jaw-dropping debut.

It follows a scientist and teacher who must battle against the elements and zombies in a dystopian society, all while protecting a special young girl.


Dominique Tipper plays Devani, chained and coiled up like Hannibal Lector in her mask, and gives a bravura performance that holds this film together, even when it borders on lunacy.

The key to zombie films isn’t the shock value — it’s that underrated human element people are searching for.

Most want to root for the characters who are fighting against the undead, and here we have a whole bunch of characters we either love or love to hate.

Gemma Arterton, in her first great role since 2014’s The Voices, is sympathetic as a teacher who is looking out for the best interests of her students. That includes Devani, who is more often treated like a possession or monster than not.

Glenn Close kicks absolute ass in this flick, and the authenticity and grit she lends to the film are invaluable.

In the end, fans looking for guts and gore will get exactly what they’re looking for. But those expecting a little storyline with their horror will get it in spades.



Jordan Parker
