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Michael Bond, the author of Paddington Bear books dies


Because of one man a West London station will be eternally associated with a bear from Darkest Peru who has a fondness of marmalade sandwiches.

The bear and the station in question are Paddington and the man is Michael Bond, a legend in children’s literature. Although a recent film brought Paddington Bear back into public consciousness (in which Bond has a cameo), the character goes back more than fifty years to a book called A Bear Called Paddington, where at Paddington station the bear in question was found with a label around its neck. The rest is of course history.

Unlike his ursine pal Winnie the Pooh, Paddington does seem to be a bear of sizable brain and his creator Michael Bond reflects the no-nonsense but charming character. Paddington, who was adopted by the Brown family, always wore a blue duffel coat and red welly boots.


Bond also created the less well character of French chef and detective Monsieur Pampelmousse who was always accompanied by his bloodhound Pommes Frites. He also wrote for the children’s animation show The Herbs. Before this he was a cameraman for the children’s magazine show Blue Peter for a while.

(The picture shows a sculpture of Michael Bond with Paddington located near the railway station.)


Paul Wimsett
