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Book Review: Keep Calm and Trust God


Keep Calm and Trust God is a great read and here’s why!

Keep Calm and Trust God is a terrific book by Jake Provance and Keith Provance. The title of the book came from the slogan “Keep Calm and Carry On.” Life throws a lot of different obstacles at us and it can even feel like we are in a war. Keep Calm and Trust God shows you how to overcome intense struggle.

The first chapter is about anxiety and the toll it can take on us. The book states that anxiety can cause high blood pressure, intestinal disorders, panic attacks or it can even give you a heart attack. Then there is a quote provided from the bible that helps combat anxiety. Philippians 4:6-7: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”


The next chapter is about worry in which a lot of us can relate to. The first sentence of the chapter states, “we all face the daily opportunity to worry about something our health, finances, family, jobs, the economy.” These have got to be some of the truest words ever written in a book. But despite the fact that worry does exist there is “good news.” The good news (as stated in the text) is that God wants us to live a worry free life.

The third chapter is about fear and how it can be your greatest enemy. The text states, “Fear takes on many forms. It can show up as a small dread or as a paralyzing and crippling force that renders us helpless mentally, physically, and spiritually.” It is stated that it is God’s will for us to live a fear-free and faith-filled life every day. It is also a fact that “fear not” appears in the bible 365 times.

The next chapter is about depression and how it is your enemy. Depression does nothing but steal your joy and peace. Depression can really suck the life out of anyone. But according to Keep Calm and Trust God there is a way to fight depression. The text states “Go on the offensive with your thoughts and your words. What are you thankful for? Count your blessings.”

The fifth chapter is about pressure. We all have to face some sort of pressure. But the key is supposed to be just turn to the Lord. The next chapters are about regret, stress, frustration self-criticism, seeking the approval of others, fear of the future and ends with unexpected setbacks. In those chapters there are great tips on how to deal with all of those obstacles and how to do so with the help of the Lord and his word. There are different prayers provided and all very uplifting. Keep Calm and Trust God works great as a tool for anyone who desires to read something that is motivational.


Krystal Goethe
