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Cara Delevingne – A magnificent starlet in our midsts


Cara Delevingne’s credentials stem from a long line of influential figures who have carved out our popular culture. A recent promotional photo shoot and interview, for Luc Besson’s film Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, has been published by GQ Magazine.

Delevingne is tantamount to perfection. She has the bone structure of Cleopatra or Nefertiti, she models for high-end couturiers, appears in edgy films like Suicide Squad and she is able to challenge convention where necessary.

From a background which is essentially media royalty. Her godfather is Nicolas Coleridge, the Conde Nast Executive, and her godmother is Joan Collins. Delevingne grew up in Belgravia in London and has probably not comprehended the extent to which her life has been shaped by her environment.


In a recent interview with GQ Magazine, Delevingne came across as humble and unaware of her absolutely spectacular talent and beauty. Not only that, but Delevingne expressed a slightly anarchic quality which is already being honed by the media machine. But will Delevingne truly shake things up? In the interview with Luc Besson, the French film director, she was posed some lukewarm questioning. Of course, Besson would’ve been aware of her influence and calibre, given that GQ is published by her godfather and she also stars in his new Valerian film.

Consequently, we can assume that Besson would’ve been treading very carefully. However, some poignant insights into Delevingne’s perspective were gained. Delevingne acknowledged that she feels the need to challenge norms, but what are the norms she’s challenging?

People say this is the way it’s got to be and I’m like, bhaaah! Break all the rules! Smash all things down! (GQ, 2017)

One thing also came across in the GQ Magazine interview, which has also been voiced by Prince Harry. A disconnect with emotion and the ‘stiff upper lip mentality’ – which is fostered in elite circles – leaves emotional chasms. Delevingne acknowledged that she sometimes has to check herself to remember to cry.

I think my constantly saying sorry. My father taught me that manners get you far. Um, my ability to be in any weather and be happy about it (laughs). Also, I think, my thing is just to get on with it, no matter what, no matter if your neck high in mud and everything is going wrong. So you’re like “well onwards and upwards, like, stiff upper lip. Get on with it” While remembering that I still need to cry….(GQ Magazine, 2017) 

The fundamental problem for Delevingne would appear to be gaining perspective from within her tightly controlled network. To her, rebellion may be challenging the conventions of society, but these have been challenged over thousands of years to no avail. Perhaps Delevingne can foster a break from the cyclical media machine. Whatever her future, she will be adored for her humility and stunning beauty.

