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Blizzard announces next Hearthstone Expansion: Knights of the Frozen Throne


Next month will see the release of Hearthstone’s next Expansion, with a focus on Deathrattles, Lifesteal, and new heroes.

The next Hearthstone expansion, Knights of the Frozen Throne, is set to release this August. There’s a lot of new features coming with this expansion, including Adventures, Keywords, and for the first time ever, a new Card Type!

Let’s start with the big one, the new card type: Hero. This new type of card will replace your hero with a Death Knight version, and each one will have a unique battlecry, provide some armour, and grant a new hero power. Only one has been revealed so far: Deathstalker Rexxar. This new Hunter Hero will grant the power ‘Build-a-Beast’, which allows you to discover a beast twice, and then those two cards are combined to create a unique ZomBeast!


As well as a new card type, there’s a new keyword: Lifesteal. Whenever a card with Lifesteal does damage, an equal amount of healing is applied to the controlling hero. This, combined with a new focus on Deathrattles, is designed to allow slower decks to be relevant again against the current dominating meta of Aggro-decks.

Finally, there’s a new Adventure: The Battle for Icecrown. This solo adventure will see you squaring off against seven new bosses, including the Lich King himself, in the toughest adventure yet! The first mission in this adventure will reward you with a free Death Knight card (one of the new Hero cards), and defeating each boss in turn will grant card packs. The best part? This adventure, including all of the rewards, is completely free.

This expansion is looking to be a lot more inclusives for free-to-play players, with the free adventure, the influx of extra gold this week from the Mini-Rag tavern brawl, and the changes to pack opening that mean the first ten packs opened for any new expansion will definitely include a legendary.

So save up those coins, and prepare to call upon the Death Knights when this expansion becomes available this August!

Tom Parry
