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Where in the EU you can find the most frequent moviegoers

Nowadays, paying to go to the cinema is becoming quite rare, as giants like Netflix and Hulu offer easier options, that do not require standing up and walking. In the EU, around 17% of the population went to the cinema at least four times in 2015.

According to data from Eurostat, the most frequent cinemagoers in the EU live in France. In 2015m 29.3% of the population said they had been to the cinema at least four times. After them came residents of Luxembourg (26.4%), Belgium (22.7%) and the Netherlands (21.9%).

The countries with the smallest numbers of cinemagoers were Greece, with only 6.2% of people reporting to having been to the cinema at least four times in 2015 and Serbia – with 6.6%. They were followed by Romania (7.1%) and Cyprus (7.9%).


Daisy Wilder
