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Opinion – Spider-Man: Homecoming review


This Spider-Man movie is just about Artificial Intelligence

Spider-Man: Homecoming is just an introduction film to the Infinity war. I remember the craze for the trilogy of Spider-Man. It’s not because it has key aspects or anything but just because it had those emotions which kept connected audience for three films.

This Spider-Man movie is just about Artificial Intelligence. The makers of this movie lost the opportunity to give a good Spider-Man as they are just seeing to the infinity war and wanted to wrap up all the things. Spider-Man is all about fighting with his problems on his own. He really didn’t need an IRONMAN as a mentor. I mean, the boy who is destined to lead the Avengers doesn’t need a mentorship.


Spider-Man: Homecoming also wasted the villain for just a title. If you are making one movie then you just need to concentrate on that, but the Director was trying to do everything in one movie. Come on, we don’t want to see an iron spider in this short interval of time. They could have arranged the timeline but they are trying to show the adolescence of Spider-Man and, on another hand, they are making him the iron spider.

Peter Parker is more than just name and I think MCU is ruining this like they did before with Iron man 1,2,3 and Thor 1, 2. I don’t like when someone messes with the comics but what they are doing is beyond that, something like a business, which is beyond their understanding.

