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10 things real adult women can’t afford to be cheap with


We are all guilty of it, walking through the grocery store and seeing the cart get more full to the point where you need to make edits. Maybe you’ve opted for the generic brands or maybe you just cut things out all together, budgeting is always a smart move but there are a few key items that real adults know you can’t afford to be cheap with.

1: Laundry detergent

The cheaper brands will be attractive in this department, but please for the sake of how much money you spend on clothes make those investments last and go for the good stuff. This lesson is hard on all of us, after all the consequence of this purchase won’t affect you in the taste buds which is the prime objective of a grocery store visit but as a suburban millennial (first of my name) heed my warning and let that Royal Blue top you bought impulsively on payday remain true to it’s original color for as long as it takes to get your monies worth out of it!


2: Birth Control/ Contraception

Ladies this is in no way a diss to the blessing that is childbirth but something tells me if you wanted a bundle of joy you wouldn’t have 4 alarms set on your phone reminding you to take your pill at the same time religiously every day so make sure it is the good stuff, this is about your health and your family planning don’t be cheap with such things.  Gentleman don’t get the discounted ones, price should not be an issue – if you can’t afford safe sex you can’t afford sex.

3: Period Chocolate

The time of the month is a horrific curse brought upon the female community, there is no argument there, it is the one time a month every woman wishes she were born a boy and can’t help watching sad movies on repeat because they make us feel alive. Now in light of all of this horror why would you be cheap with your chocolate? Why would you deny yourself the fuel that sustains you through it all? You are worthy of the Dove Brand Milk Chocolate or a Toblerone or any King size bar your aching pelvis desires. Treat Yo’ Self!

4: Internet

For a lot of the newbies entering the world this year you might not have internet/cable. I know I didn’t for like my first 6 months but after your dark ages don’t be cruel to yourself, don’t get the cheaper internet plan because you think you are being responsible YOU’RE NOT. Time is money and if you spend more time waiting for an email to get to your boss than you spent writing said email you are wasting your money besides the added stress that every buffering youtube video will cause you isn’t worth the years off of your life.

5: Mattress


This is a super common oversight for young adults mostly because a quality mattress is pretty pricey initially, there are always in house financing options with the larger mattress providers that I suggest sucking up and signing up for cause buying something cheap will cost you more in the long run; lack of solid rest, back problems, the expense of having to replace it out of pocket since the cheaper ones don’t come with warranties, save up some cash and keep an eye out for a good deal but trust me – you can’t afford to be cheap with your sleep.

6: Toilet Paper

I really shouldn’t have to explain this to adults old or young it’s an essential part of our civilized society, your guest will judge you if they use your bathroom just don’t let this be the department you save $1 in.

7: Pots and Pans

Now this is not to be misunderstood in your first 3 years of adulthood pricey pots and pans are the least of your concerns, you will ingest so much aluminum and other harsh chemicals that even if D.A.R.E actually was effective on you and your drug free lifestyle chances are every time you cook you’re getting a little high which is probably building a solid immune system (at least that’s what I told myself). Do some research and you can find some pretty solid deals online especially during Mother’s Day and Christmas.

8: Deodorant

Dude it’s like tops $5 once a month why are we having this conversation? Speed Stick never should have been introduced to you, I am very sorry about this but please stop taking it out on everyone else, yes I am talking to you if you feel like you are being personally attacked otherwise thank you for your consideration.

9: Underwear

This lesson I learned after getting married, I never really bought cheap panties I always just hit up the semi annual sale but for men it is really attractive to go for the cheaper package at Wal-Mart and continue on with your day, man did I regret that decision about a week later, they were all worn out with holes already and my poor husband’s entire day had been ruined and at what cost? I may be saved $3 totally not worth it and now it’s Hanes all day every day!

10: Car Repairs

Car stuff is not cheap. Learn that lesson now before you make a terrible mistake. If your car needs a repair there are a few steps you need to take: 1- make sure you know the value of the car and determine if the price to fix your problem is more than the worth of the car. This will help decide if it is just time for a new car. 2- if the repair is worth it find a solid shop with good reviews and take the financial hit, this is why determining the value of the car is so important. Don’t allow yourself to lose money on a car, selling a running car is super easy and buying one is even easier.

Daniela Garcia
