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19 posts with the highest hourly pay


Some people in the US earn only $ 6 per hour, while others earn a whopping $ 106 for the same 60-minute period.

19 posts with the highest hourly pay.

Some people in the US earn only $ 6 per hour, while others earn a whopping $ 106 for the same 60-minute period.


According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average American (including in jobs with wages, not hourly wages) earns $ 23.23 per hour.

Time magazine collected a list of professions with the highest hourly pay in the US:


Average hourly rate: $ 124.09

Number of people in the US working in this profession: 29 220


Average hourly rate: $ 119


Number of people in the US working in this profession: 41 600


Average hourly rate: $ 106.92

Number of people in the US working in this profession: 20,090


Average hourly rate: $ 93.12

Number of people in the US working in this profession: 24,060

Executive Director

Average hourly rate: $ 89.35

Number of people in the US working in this profession: 238,940


Average hourly rate: $ 88.07

Number of people in the US working in this profession: 28,660


Average hourly rate: $ 82.86

Number of people in the US working for this profession: 100 080


Average hourly rate: $ 77.04

Number of people in the US working in this profession: 39,410

Petroleum Engineer

Average hourly rate: $ 71.92

Number of people in the US working in this profession: 34 600

Manager of computer and information systems

Average hourly rate: $ 67.79

Number of people in the US working in this profession: 341 250

Marketing Manager

Average hourly rate: $ 67.63

Number of people in the US working for this profession: 192,890


Average hourly rate: $ 65.51

Number of people in the US working in this profession: 609,930


Average hourly rate: $ 65.47

Number of people in the US working in this profession: 9,500

Financial Manager

Average hourly rate: $ 64.58

Number of people in the US working in this profession: 531 120

Sales Manager

Average hourly rate: $ 62.69

Number of people in the US working in this profession: 364,750

Managers for fund-raising and public relations

Average hourly rate: $ 57.40

Number of people in the US working in this profession: 60 380


Average hourly rate: $ 57.34

Number of people in the US working in in this profession: 295 620

Air traffic controller

Average hourly rate: $ 57.09

Number of people in the US working in this profession: 23 130


Average hourly rate: $ 56.97

A number of people in the US working in this profession: 15 650.

Saida Safikhanova
