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A brief look at CBSN: On Assignment


CBS News’ latest series is refreshingly distinct.

CBSN: On Assignment is the latest news program from CBS News. It features the news organization’s reporters reporting on a wide range of topics, from foreign workers in the United States to a Christian evangelist in Pakistan, within the traditional presentation of a one-hour newsmagazine.

The show’s format may sound similar to their long-running newsmagazine 60 Minutes. However, there are a few differences between the two shows which help to make On Assignment distinct. It does not have a main host introducing the stories, which instead are set up with brief text introductions and visuals. There are no specific reporters attached to the program. It is not as formal as 60 Minutes and does not center around a single story like CBS’ other news program 48 Hours.


On Assignment also has an accompanying online series called CBSN: After the Assignment. That series is hosted by one of the news anchors from CBS News’ online service CBSN and expands upon the broadcast show’s stories with additional reporting and footage.

Both shows are great and worth checking out just to see some great reporting on stories from around the world.

CBSN: On Assignment airs Mondays at 10 PM on CBS. CBSN: After the Assignment is available to watch after each new episode of On Assignment on CBSN. Both shows can also be seen in segments on CBS News’ YouTube channel.

Joel Garcia
