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Welsh teenager crowned as UK’s first transgender prom queen

A teenager from Cardigan, West Wales, is believed to be the UK‘s first ever transgender prom queen after she was crowned by her fellow classmates, according to the Independent.

Lori Beynon, 16, said it was the best moment of her life and felt overwhelmed when her classmates presented her with a crown and sash. “I was really excited to be going to prom anyway,” she told SWNS. “I went with all my friends and I didn’t know, but they voted for me as prom queen. That was nice, but I never thought other people would too. When they called out my name it was amazing. It was quite scary walking up in front of everyone. It was probably the best moment of my life. Everyone was standing up and clapping. I didn’t feel like I was a girl – I felt like I was a queen.”


Posted by Lori Beynon on 5 Iulie 2017

Beynon began transitioning two years ago. She knew she was a girl from the age of three, but didn’t reveal her true self to her mother, Sarah, until she turned 13. She was too afraid to tell her face-to-face, so she did it via text. “Puberty was the worst time in my life. I would wake up and run over to the mirror and it was really hard to deal with,” she explained. “I would be there looking at my face and thinking ‘do I have a beard?’ I had to speak to my mum when I was 13. The thought of having to go through male puberty when you are a girl is heartbreaking.”

Welsh teenager is UK's first transgender prom queen
Photo: Facebook

Despite her worries, Lori’s mother was completely supportive, adding that she “couldn’t be more proud” to see her daughter as prom queen. “I’m not sure there’s been another transgender prom queen so I believe my daughter is the first,” she said.

Daisy Wilder
