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Opinion – Five ways how to say No at your workplace


Saying no is a statement already.

Everyone has encounter in their professional life of that a coworker or boss that keeps asking for your help or your assistance on their paper work or awhile doing a task. Personally you are swamped with reports and deadlines on that day. Your co-worker kept insisting that it would take most of your time, you wanted to say no but you can’t because you don’t want to ruin your relationship with that co-worker.



In an article written by Amy Gallo, in the Harvard Business Review, the smartest ones would have their to do list constant reprioritizing. There are several strategies that can be done with sabotaging your professional relationship.


1- Don’t react immediately. If you are working at your fullest capacity, you might be tempted to say no. Think before replying because it can cause your working relationship.


2- Be polite when saying no. Yes, it can hurt at first when you say no to your co-worker. Empathize the situation that person might be in.


3- Be honest and straightforward. If you want to maintain a positive relationship, you can offer a lifeline, that way you can be helpful without taking the full work. Or if not, if you are available, offer your help on the later day. Do this if you really mean it.



4- Watch our for your body language. Your objective is to say a neutral no. Try to keep your voice even and steady. Don’t fidget that means discomfort.


5- Be firm but kind.


It takes awhile to say no. Some might have an easier time doing it and others aren’t. Remember that saying no now is easier than explaining later why you dropped it like a hot potato.


Maristelle Castro
