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Millennials say farewell to the 9 to 5


The corporate world isn’t the only way to success.

As almost anyone living in 2017 can see, technology is in the forefront when it comes to your everyday life. This is especially true when it comes to the Millennial generation. Gone are the times of everyone graduating college and beginning a traditional career for the next thirty to forty years.

According to Forbes, 66% of millennials want to start their own business. With technology at their fingertips, this dream is more attainable than ever.


Some of the most popular new careers are being a blogger, YouTube Personality, brand ambassador, online consulting, and opening an online boutique. All of these careers allow the freedom of creating your own schedule and a chance to express creativity. Millennials have found the way to become their own boss, while creating multiple streams of income.

While these careers do not require a college degree, many members of the tech generation still value education as a foundation. The college degree is serving more as a launching pad, rather than a map of your future.

Margaret Dixon
