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British pets should fear Chancellor Merkel


A new insight has been revealed as to how Brexit might affect British pets.


Presently the EU allows free access of British cats and dogs to Europe. Following Brexit, they will need vaccination certificates in order to enter according to Angela Merkel.


“Now they’ll need hygiene certificates – things we don’t even remember”

This means that once outside the EU, there will be implications on the movement of animals as well as their welfare. Being unable to travel freely like before, caregivers be under greater pressure to hire help in looking after them over the holiday period. Pets will suffer the pain of being separated from their owners. The procedure

of obtaining and providing the required documentation for animals will create another hassle in the run-up to the holidays. For some people, being on holiday without their pets would have a dampening effect.

“The fact that so many areas of policy have for decades operated under EU rules meant that the disruption following Brexit could extend into wholly unexpected parts”.

All this comes as a consequence if Britain does not accept a continued flow of 2-300 thousand immigrants from Eastern Europe in which case there would also be no free trade or any unrestricted travel, including cats and dogs.

It seems the pets are an easy victim for Merkel’s anger at the prospect of most of the 1 million immigrants annually coming into Germany once Britain shuts the door.

One thing is certain: it will be good business for British and European vets as no doubt Britain will require the same from pets coming into Britain from Europe.





Judith Brown
