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Opinion: Augmented Reality – escapism on tap


When the Pokemon Go App saw swarms of adults and children, wondering around in herds, to capture virtual creatures, in a superimposed reality – the passing fad was bound to end. Don’t be so sure. With Epson releasing a new set of augmented reality specs and Apple announcing that the iPhone 8 will support augmented reality Apps there is certainly more to come.

New forms of communication have been envisaged. Vuforia have now devised a system that allows us to chat in augmented reality. Is it not enough that we very rarely talk to one another face to face anymore? Instead, Vuforia’s Project Chalk will allow users to communicate whilst wearing AR goggles or using apps that allow for images to be altered in real time, which both users can view.

Merge Cube is also now on the market, which allows for the integration between virtual reality and augmented reality to creat an interactive experience. This device allows for the cube to alter the appearance of characters and objects in the virtual world into absolutely anything. The good news is that such augmented reality devices can be used for educational purposes.


My advice is not to be alarmed if you see droves of rational people wondering about with eager expressions on their faces. They’ll be likely interacting with a unicorn chasing a dragon surrounded by fairies.

