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You may sleep better if you have a purpose in life


Using sleeping pills for problems sleeping at night raises concerns due to the myriad of potential side effects which are associated with sleeping pills. A good natural remedy for poor sleep may be finding a purpose in life.

It has been reported by Northwestern University via EurekAlert that there may be a link between having a purpose in life and sleeping better at night. Researchers have found that elderly adults who have lives with meaning experience a better quality of sleep. These adults also have low levels of sleep apnea and restless leg syndrome.



Having a purpose in life is associated with less sleep disturbances


Poor quality of sleep consists of having problems falling asleep and staying asleep and feeling tired during the day. A new Northwestern Medicine and Rush University Medical Center research study which deals with elderly adults is the first study which has shown that having a purpose in life is associated with less sleep disturbances and better sleep quality over an extended period of time.


Purpose in life can be cultivated via mindfulness therapy interventions


The researchers have said that although the participants in the new study were elderly adults, it is nevertheless likely these findings can be applied to a broad section of the general public. Senior study author Jason Ong, who is an associate professor of neurology, says that assisting people to nurture a purpose in life could prove to be an effective drug free way to improve quality of sleep. A purpose in life can be cultivated via mindfulness therapy interventions.



In this study there was a 63 percent less likelihood of having sleep apnea and 52 percent less likelihood of having restless leg syndrome in people who felt that there was meaning in their lives. These people also enjoyed a quality of sleep which was moderately better.


This study has been published by BioMed Central. It has been shown by researchers that there can be protection against many negative health outcomes including problems sleeping with a purpose in life. With a higher level of a meaningful life which has purpose quality of sleep may be enhanced. A consideration that mindfulness therapy may help nurture a purpose in life means this approach may offer an effective drug free way to deal with sleep problems.





Dr Harold Mandel
