VIDEO: Mom’s Superhuman Reaction Saves Child
We’ve all heard numerous stories about people who were supposed to die, but lived – stories about miracles and real life heroes. Sometimes, almost magically, life wins, defying all odds, but sadly, that is not always the case. There are also times when people are the ones that bring magic about, making great sacrifices in order for life to triumph.
That is exactly what this amazing mother did!
When 23 year old Jennifer Duncan got into a fender bender on a highway in Waco, Texas, she pulled the car over to wait for first responders. She had her baby boy with her – 8 moth old Daniel. Thinking that they were probably going to be waiting there for a while, she got her son out of his car seat, so that she could hold and comfort him. That’s when the tragedy happened and another crash occurred – a car hit one of the parked vehicles, pushing it straight towards Jennifer and Daniel. It smashed into them and pushed them off the bridge.
The bridge was 30 feet high, which would most likely have been fatal for the little boy. Instinctively, while they were free falling, Jennifer wrapped her body around her son’s, shielding him from the unavoidable impact.
She stated that in those moments of sheer panic, keeping her son safe was the only thing she could think about. “My main concern was keeping him safe, making sure he was going to be okay,” she said. “I just took like one second and – seeing that we were falling – I just tried to grab as tight as I can to him.”
Not only did Daniel survive the fall, but he did so with only a scratch. According to the GoFundMe page, “Jennifer’s Miracle,”: “Literally, just a scratch.”
The mother, on the other hand, suffered a lot of extremely severe injuries. “Jennifer’s Miracle” also stated: “Jennifer’s heroic act for her son did not go without great personal sacrifice to her own well-being.” She shattered her pelvis, broke 9 bones in her back, fractured her legs and ribs, had spleen and other internal injuries and had to have a leg amputated. She spent 2 months in the hospital, 1 month in rehab and underwent 14 surgeries in 7 months. She stated that the hardest part of the recovery was not being able to pick up her son and that the thought of holding him in her arms again is what kept her going.
News Channel 25 covered the story and talked it out with Jennifer.
This case proves once again just how powerful a mother’s love is. Jennifer’s maternal instinct kicked in right away, in a matter of milliseconds, making her son’s safety her number one priority! Her own safety didn’t even cross her mind and she didn’t think twice when risking her own life so that her son would live. The selflessness of her action is remarkable and truly fascinating. Only a mother could have reacted the way this woman reacted – with such swiftness and love, abandoning herself completely!
Watch Jennifer tell the story in her own words!
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