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The Difficulties with the DUP


Though the DUP have now created some kind of pact with the Tories there are several areas of disagreement.

Because the Tories do not have an overall majority, they need another party to help prop them up. This seems to have fallen to the DUP or the Democratic Unionist Party. However, this party is quite controversial for a number of reasons.

  • Gay rights. There’s a feeling that being gay is against God. Ian Paisley Jnr. has been quoted as saying he was “repulsed by gays”. They also created a campaign called “Save Ulster From Sodomy”.
  • Marriage between gay people. The party opposes any sort of same-sex marriage and has voted against various gay marriage laws.
  • Pro-Life. The party is very much against abortion, preferring to ignore the 1967 act which made abortion legal for most of the UK.
  • Climate Change. The position is that they feel climate change is a con to increase energy costs.
  • Creationism. They believe that this vision of the Earth’s creation should be taught in every school, as opposed to evolution etc.
  • Brexit. It seems the DUP is very much against the whole idea of a hard Brexit. In the short term, this may the biggest problem for the Tories.




Paul Wimsett
