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Android vs iOS


In the last few years, we have seen a phenomenal growth in communication technologies. The use of smart devices such as phones, tablets, laptops has contracted the world in a manner that one can easily access anyone, anywhere in a matter of seconds.These devices, therefore require advanced operating systems to exhibit new technologies to the users

Like personal computers, which have different O.S e.g. Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux; the mobile devices also have specifically designed operating interfaces. The widely used mobile operating systems now a days are Apple iOS and Google Android.

There is always a global debate about which O.S is better, Android or iOS. Despite each having millions of users worldwide, one is still indecisive about the selection of any of these two operating systems. So, I have decided to highlight some key points possessed by each interface.


Android by Google, is an open source O.S which is used by large number of mobile manufacturers whereas iOS is a closed source, created by Apple Inc. solely for its hardware like iPhone, iPad and iPods.

It is easier to customize Android phones because of their flexibility with the third party apps whereas Apple devices are restricted to their own platform. Android uses Google hangouts for daily tasks such as calls, messages, video chats etc whereas iOS has iMessage, Facetime restricted to Apple devices only. An iPhone needs to be jail broken to harbor 3rd party apps. This gives iOS a hand over android in terms of security. More restrictions, limited malware.

In terms of storage, android offers a great deal by providing ease with external memory whereas iOS give limited icloud storage which can be updated by overtime purchases.

Lastly, the major concern for any person while choosing any phone is the cost effectiveness. Android is compatible with large no. of mobile devices (available at different prices) thus giving user a good choice whereas iOS phone are costly due to their mere focus on quality environment.

