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Your social media addiction is fueling data mining and artificial intelligence


Keep engaged in social media, liking and sharing posts, and taking personality quizzes. The data mining and artificial intelligence industries need you.

VR, Augmented Reality, and Artificial Intelligence is going to transform the entertainment and communication landscape. According to a Forbes article this year – “in mid-April, virtual reality passed a milestone. Using an app created by a company called Medical Realities, viewers from around the globe, each presumably with an iron constitution, witnessed a surgeon at the Royal London NHS Hospital delve into the bowels of a 70-year-old cancer patient. If that sounds like a Nova special, it was so much more. Doctors, medical students, and the merely curious experienced the operation in real time, with 360-degree control over their vantage points, as though they were actually in the operating room.”

Did you know that all your clicks, likes, and shares, and online shopping are fueling it?


According to a Forbes article, “the availability of very large data sets is one of the reasons Deep Learning, a sub-set of artificial intelligence (AI), has recently emerged as the hottest tech trend, with Google, Facebook, Baidu, Amazon, IBM, Intel, and Microsoft, all with very deep pockets, investing in acquiring talent and releasing open AI hardware and software. The increasing interest and investment in AI, in turn, will lead to the emergence of new tools for collecting and analyzing data and new enterprise roles and responsibilities.”

Likely the gaming industry will start it off and bring the technology within reach for consumers beyond Google Cardboard, which is the simplest least expensive headset right now for consumers out there.

One can only imagine the laws that will have to be written or modified as well as specialists that will emerge, the university classes, training development, support technology and software, manufacturing all will develop around these new growth industries.

It’s a brave new world. Now if only we can figure out how to transfer our consciousness into artificial bodies, considering our ouroboros style consumption of the planet. This is a feat which seems on the horizon considering what quantum physics has been coming up with lately. See “How to control someone else’s arm with your brain | Greg Gage” a Ted Talk video on YouTube of one person controlling another person’s body movements with their brain.

I would venture to say that goes beyond the growth industry of cell phones. This is more like the world changing impact of the printing press.

