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Dirty Footwear – the must have fashion accessory


Gucci Resort 2018 collection had an abundance of scuffed and tarnished footwear to chose from. Paired with their sleek dapper tailored suits created an interesting juxtaposition. Forget your dazzling white Addidas and Pumas and embrace the used look.

Some have referred to this rather unusual craze as shabby chic in the past. In fact, a store in New York began selling used sneakers with duck-tape to give, what the Daily Mail described as a mocking the homeless look or ‘homeless chic’. Perhaps Gucci’s motivations are less sinister and they just don’t rate the brand new look.

Whatever happens from now on in, after you purchase your white Converse, head straight to the nearest swamp and submerge your purchases in the murk and mire, or else you’ll look like the number one pleb in town. However make sure you pair them with a 5000 dollar Gucci suit, or you’ll fail to meet the high bar that has just been set in the ‘ground breaking’ fashion world, leaving us all feeling like we’re having an existential crisis.


However make sure you pair them with a 5000 dollar Gucci suit, or you’ll fail to meet the high bar that has just been set in the ‘groundbreaking’ fashion world, leaving us all feeling like we’re having an existential crisis.

