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The exciting benefits of Krill oil


Live longer, feel younger, be healthier and happier

Good health and well-being is something we all strive for – and everyone deserves to feel fantastic every day. Love it or hate it, but we’re consistently inundated with news articles regarding the things that we shouldn’t be doing to our bodies.

If you believe what you read, ingesting an excessive amount of some things and too little of others will supposedly add to the hastening of our demise. The latest natural supplements appear and disappear with monotonous regularity, each singing their own praises on cyber racks and adding to our confusion.


A balanced, nutritious diet should alleviate the need for supplements, but if we were able to achieve that in our daily lives, there would be no flourishing, multi-billion dollar natural health supplement industry

There are some supplements, however that we can’t overlook without risking detriment to our health, and Krill oil has been known for some time to be a a major source of essential Omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fats have myriad health benefits and life-prolonging elements.

In order to function at optimum health, we need Omega-3 fats, however our bodies cannot make them. We need to get them from our food, or alternatively in the form of supplements. Foods high in Omega-3 include fish, nuts, flax seeds vegetable oils, legumes and leafy vegetables, but we often don’t include enough of these in our daily diet. Many people don’t include any!

Why are Omega-3 fats so important?

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has supported the findings that fish oil, in particular Krill oil is a valuable supplement with a high EPA and DHA content.  It can reduce the danger of cardiovascular disease, elevated blood pressure, some forms of arthritis, diabetes and many other life-threatening ailments. Omega-3 fats are vital to the function of cell membranes. They lay the ground work for the manufacture of hormones that regulate blood clotting. And most importantly, they bind to the cell receptors that regulate genetic function and act like soldiers. This is of great significance to the prevention of heart disease, stroke and many ailments that affect our immune system like lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis.

What is krill and what are the benefits?

Krill are tiny crustaceans, much like miniscule shrimp, which make up a vast proportion of food for whales, small fish and some seabirds. Some of the primary benefits of krill oil supplements include:

  • Helping to reduce high cholesterol, and therefore aid in the prevention of cardiovascular disease
  • It has been shown to increase mental alertness and memory
  • Helping to control blood sugar, which could aid in the prevention of diabetes and be beneficial in controlling some of its symptoms.
  • With documented anti-inflammatory properties, it can help relieve the pain and stiffness associated with rheumatoid arthritis
  • It can help contribute to extra calcium deposits and reduce the risk of severe osteoporosis by increasing bone strength.
  • It has been used to treat ADHD, with positive results.
  • It can be beneficial in relieving the symptoms of menopause and pre-menstrual tension
  • Research has discovered that those cultures eating foods with high levels of Omega-3 have far lower levels of depression

Krill oil is high in vitamins A, E and D. It’s also rich in antioxidants which are essential in fighting free- radicals which are the ‘rogue molecules’ that can invade healthy cells and attack the immune system.

Research indicates that the antioxidant properties of krill oil are around 48 times more effective than regular fish oil.


Krill oil won’t bring about instantaneous or miraculous overnight improvements in your health. No matter what clever marketing ploys we’re bombarded with, no supplement is a magic potion. But with a little common sense, and some research from reputable websites you can make up your own mind. The evidence supporting the benefits of krill oil is plentiful, and used every day in addition to your regular diet, you’ll see subtle but positive changes.

Joint pain: While it may vary from person to person, you should notice an improvement in joint pain or stiffness in around a month.

Cholesterol: Check your cholesterol before taking a course of Krill oil and recheck after a month to note any positive changes.

Blood sugar: If you’re worried about diabetes, or are in a high risk group, you’ll obviously be checking your blood sugar regularly. Take Krill oil and note any improvements.

Skin: Krill oil supplements have also been reported to improve the appearance of ageing on your skin.

In general, you should see an improvement in your health and wellbeing by taking Krill oil supplements every day.

Should you suffer from allergies to shellfish, it is probably best to avoid krill oil supplements, but if in doubt, it’s always wisest to check with your doctor before taking any additional supplements.

If you’re among the millions of people who just can’t seem to keep pace with a busy life, you may be suffering some nutritional imbalances without even knowing it. Bearing in mind the scientific thumbs-up given to the addition of Omega-3, you could increase your likelihood of a longer, healthier life simply by adding Krill oil to your daily diet.

Krill oil supplements are available at your local pharmacy, health supplement stores and even your supermarket. While the most expensive supplements don’t always guarantee the best quality, do a little research before purchasing. Most supplements are ‘google-able’ and you’ll find reviews aplenty to support your decision.

Dora Bona
