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Is a planned C-Section a good idea or a dangerous choice?


An increasing number of woman all over the world are choosing to give birth via c section and is is a trend that is causing some controversy.

Having a c-section is a very different birthing experience to that experienced by women who have a vaginal delivery, both in terms of the delivery itself and the recovery afterwards. Often the procedure cannot be avoided, as it is ordered for medical reasons. However, an increasing number of woman all over the world are choosing to give birth in this way and is is a trend that is causing both controversy and debate.

Planned C Sections for Health Reasons 

There are some very medically sound reasons why a doctor may recommend that an expectant woman be scheduled for a planned Cesarean section. If a sonogram has shown that the baby is particularly large – over nine pounds – the procedure is often suggested to minimize the Mom’s physical trauma. It is also considered safer to deliver a baby that is lying in a breech position, feet first, by c section as well, to minimize the dangers to the child.


Giving birth to multiples did, at one time, almost automatically lead to the suggestion that a vaginal delivery not be attempted. That thinking is changing a little now however, and women are being treated on a case by case basis more often. The same is true for ladies who suffer from chronic conditions that may affect the health of mother and baby at delivery, including diabetes and heart disease.

Elective C Sections 

To many people, especially men, it is hard to imagine why a woman would actually want to go through what is essentially a rather painful abdominal surgery by choice. Not that natural childbirth is a picnic, but that is something that the male half of the population will never quite understand. Yet more and more women are requesting that their OB GYN schedule a Cesarean section birth for them, even though they are enjoying a healthy, normal pregnancy.

The biggest reason for doing so, the one that is most frequently cited, is control. And that is why perhaps the idea is so controversial, not necessarily the fact that there is a slight increase in the risks involved with a c-section.

In many ways, planning the day you will give birth makes an awful lot of sense. Women are no longer really choosing to have jobs, they are expected to have them, and in many cases if they did not work their families would be in major financial trouble. Also, despite all of the gains made in the last few decades on the equality front, it is still usually down to the lady of the house to deal with the day to day running of, well, everything!

All of this means that if it were possible to plan the day you give birth, life would be a lot easier for everyone involved. Everything from making sure that other kids are taken care of to ensuring that they have a ride to the hospital can be taken care of in advance, something that gives many busy women a great deal of peace of mind.

Choosing to have a surgery that may hold more risks is a personal decision that a woman has to make together with her physician. The problems often begin for these women when other outside parties become involved.

Accusations that are often thrown at women who elect to schedule a c section is that they are vain and/or that they are ‘not woman’ enough to go through the pain of a natural birth. Both of these statements are a little odd though. Although Cesarean section incisions are much smaller than they were in the past, they do still leave a scar. And the surgery is still painful. Also, the idea that women must go through extreme pain giving birth as a ‘badge of honor’ is rather absurd as well.


The ideal outcome of any pregnancy is a happy mother and baby. If a doctor has a genuine concern about performing a scheduled c section they will express that opinion. If they do not however, then the final decision really should belong to the person who is actually going to give birth and the non medical opinions of others should not be allowed to matter.

Melanie Evans
