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Patient survives brain surgery for removing a windshield wiper


A patient survives brain surgery after being impaled by a windshield wiper back in 2016.

Photo Credit: Robert Couse-Baker

A case study was published that seemed to be too bizarre even for Grey’s Anatomy. The study was published on The Surgery Journal where it claims a man had a windshield wiper impaled into his brain. In China, a group of doctors encountered a 35-year old patient who had a windshield wiper enter his left eye. The windshield wiper, doctors suspect, entered the man’s brain through the orbital roof of his eye (i.e. the top of his eye socket).


The doctors were able to use their skills and take out the hooked windshield wiper.

The surgery did come with a heavy price; the patient’s left brain has suffered massive damage. MRI images show a significant decrease in brain mass. Additionally, the patient’s left eye was irregularly shaped after discharge. The patient was transferred to a medical center to undergo physical therapy. He was released and was in stable condition.

The study states that approximately 40% of stabbing cases are fatal from direct wound or complications. The man’s condition was the result of a car crash.

Source: Pubmed

Sean Yazdani
