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The many ways cats declare their love for you

They may not greet their owners with wagging tails and enthusiastic jumps like dogs do, but cats have their own ways of showing affection for their human companions.

According to MNN, these are the subtle ways in which cats say “I love you”.

Head bumps and leg rubs

Small signs your cat loves you

Cats have scent glands on their cheeks and heads, so when they rub their head or face against you, it means they are marking you with their scent and claim you as part of the family group. The scent creates a source of comfort and familiarity for kitties.

Grooming sessions

Small signs your cat loves you

Grooming is a method through which cats spread their scent to mark their territory. If you have more cats, you may have seen them grooming each other. This is a social practice they use to establish a common scent among the family group.

Slow blinks

Small signs your cat loves you

They are also known as “kitty kisses”. When cats look at you and slowly close their eyes, they are letting you know they are vulnerable to you, according to cat behaviourist Jackson Galaxy. It also shows they are content and comfortable around you.

Exposing the belly

Small signs your cat loves you

When cats roll over and expose their bellies, they show vulnerability. This is a sign of trust, which reveals feelings of comfort.



Small signs your cat loves you

When they knead in your lap or on a surface in your proximity, cats show they’re relaxed and content. This behaviour is used to stimulate a mother‘s milk flow for kittens. Continuing it into adulthood signals comfort.

Kitty underfoot

Small signs your cat loves you

When cats follow you from room to room, jump on tables to be near you and seem to be with you every step you take when it’s not even feeding time, it means they enjoy your company.

Tail position

Small signs your cat loves you

Cats holding their tails straight in the air are happy to see you. When holding their tail held upright with a curve at the tip indicates familiarity, friendliness and affection. According to Dr. John Bradshaw, this is the clearest way cats show their affection.


Small signs your cat loves you

Cats might purr when they are scared or injured. However, when they’re happy, cats may express their affection by purring when sitting on your lap or simply being near you.

Daisy Wilder
