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What the Bible teaches us about Contentment


Last July 2016, TIME Magazine unveiled The Harris Happiness Poll Index, in honour of America’s 240th birthday. The calculations of the poll revealed that less than 1 out 3 (31%) Americans were happy, comparing to the calculation in 2015, 1 out of 3 (34 %).

The questions of the poll asked Americans how happy they were in their relationships, their finances, at work, health, in their beliefs and overall life.Though the calculations of the poll were very low, the poll also calculated that 8 in 10 U.S adults (81 %) said they were generally happy. The article went on to say, that it seemed as though many people overstated their happiness when they were asked about it. How much of a difference would it make in the world if people were actually happier than they said they were? Would we see more smiles, more greetings, more togetherness? More peace, more, love, less anxiety and depression?

1 Timothy 6:6 in the Bible contains a scripture which says,”Godliness with contentment is great gain”. The definition of content is to be satisfied. It is a state of peaceful happiness. says “Contentment is a Christian grace that grows over time. It does not come quickly, easily or naturally. Paul in the bible says “I have learned to be content” (Philippians 4:12). It is something that is practised, for something that is learned.The website went on to say, “Contentment is finding joy in what God has given to you. The opposite of contentment is greed which destroys your capacity to enjoy what God has given.


What if American’s and other people from around the world took the Bible’s approach to being content, and simply took the time to reflect where they were and be satisfied. You may not be satisfied with life, but I believe this would allow time to release stress and anxiety, and bring forth something new. If you are unhappy in life, and want to grow and get ahead; you have to take the time necessary to acknowledge the things before you, set small attainable goals for change,  improvement and growth, and then move forward. And this my friends, will be the first step to Happiness.


Noelani Alexis
