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VIDEO: Crane Stands Up to Huge Gator to Protect Babies

Nature and animals really are amazing and every time you think you’ve seen it all and that there is nothing that can surprise you anymore, they go and do something completely out of character.

We can all agree that while some creatures are smarter than others, all of them below the intelligence of human beings, still sometimes this seems to be false as they seem to think and feel a lot more than we do.

It might be just one of their instincts kicking in or an actual train of thought that makes them act unnaturally and more human-like, but this we might never find out.


According to, nature’s wonders never cease to baffle us.

I always thought there was a natural order to things: the most fearsome predators on land and in the sea couldn’t be challenged by non-threatening animals, but it appears that this certainly is not the case. A clip that emerged from Jensen Beach, Florida, proves it!

The footage was caught by Greg Shine, who was working at the Eagle Marsh Golf Club when a giant gator emerged from a neighboring marsh.

The animal didn’t hesitate to walk right onto the green! Greg followed the animal, camera in hand — at a safe distance, of course.

That’s when he caught something incredible. There were four sandhill cranes nearby: two babies cranes and their parents.

When the gator started approaching them, one of the adult birds spread out wings and appeared to try to block the giant creature from coming any nearer to the fledglings.

Greg told Fox29, “I’ve never seen anything like that, the bird protecting its young.”


The adult birds didn’t seem to care that they put themselves in danger by getting so close to the gator. Fortunately, they successfully chased him back into the woods.

Have you even seen one of these giant creatures in person? It must be scary to be this close to one!

Any animal or human would run away when they saw a huge gator approaching them. The only thing that could change things would be the involvement of babies.

A human mother would do anything in her power and even more to make sure that her babies are safe even if this meant putting herself in danger and facing a huge and dangerous gator.

It seems that the crane thought the same thing and decided to put herself in front of the gator to protect her children and even managed to make the gator go away and leave her children alone.

This is a wonderful thing that proves that love for one’s children goes beyond everything else, even self conservation.

We never would have thought that a bird could be this fearless and stand up to an animal that could kill her and eat her in an instant just to make sure that her babies will be safe or at least have a tiny chance of survival.

Nature is truly amazing to behold!

