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A spiritual Big Bang Theory


Author Sandeep Patel

Here I will be explaining the cosmic theory of The Big Bang, (the creation of the universe) in correlation with the Hindu Tridev, The Christian Trinity & The Five Gold Rings Science.

Firstly I would like to mention that with Islam, Allah is all three of the trinity forms and is not divided, but that being said the life Muslims live shows they have great importance to three characters in their beliefs, that is Allah, Muhammad and the Kaaba.


So let me begin; Imagine a big whiteboard or an ocean of milk that will be called Lord Vishnu, The Preserver, The Father, The Light, The One who we focus our prays. And one long time ago this whiteboard/ocean of milk developed a conscience from all energy within Himself and BANG He turned to a blackboard giving Himself peace from all the energy He consumed. This brought rise to the beginning and end of black space, and He was called Lord Shiva, The Destroyer, the one that doesn’t incarnate and is everywhere and if gone then the universe turns back into the whiteboard, The Preserver, The Father as Nothing as if there’s no one & nothing then there’s no Father or Preserver for anything. This being said when the whiteboard went BANG, the bang was the spark-plug for the creation of the universe, a very small but extremely powerful episode in time. And He was called Lord Brahman, The Creator, The Son, the one who The Preserver is most passionate about. (This is where I understand why some people say, ‘Jesus is Lord’, ‘the Son of God’.) So as you can see here The Spirit of God was born from the navel of The Creator of God. There’s also a story here that The Preserver and The Creator were fighting about who was more powerful and BANG to bring peace, Lord Shiva became alive to control all of time and space. (In mythology Lord Shiva asked a question to Lord Vishnu and Lord Brahman, and Lord Vishnu spoke the truth so Lord Shiva declared that all prays to be made to Lord Vishnu and no mandirs in the name of Lord Brahman. Lord Shiva is the Bringer of Truth, He plays ignorant but He’s far from it, He killed the Demon of Ignorance, using Ignorance/Peace as a reflection for truth). So now we have the universe with the realms of the cosmos.


In terms of colours there was white that held everything and then a split second of red that made everything, resulting into black as everything. The Preserver’s Creation allows for The Destroyer. The Life Love brings Peace. Light, Red, & Black.

Second to last who do we pray to, who’s that one God? Let me keep it very simple and factual as I can. We pray for Life, so we pray to Life. Even though what actually gave Life was The Creator (A mother), Life was the decision of The Father, The Light, The Whiteboard, The Ocean of Milk, Allah, Lord Vishnu who’s within all souls. All this rose one question in my mind. That if all people are all of these qualities, these modes of nature, Goodness, Passion and Ignorance, then why is there so much anger, hate or over-pride among us? One simple answer is we protect ourselves and our egos which is apart of passion. The Father also has His ego, and that is Lord Shiva, (Lord’s Spirit), whereas He also has love and compassion, His Son, (Lord Brahman). So as when people pray, they all pray to a light, but if they don’t know or believe or have peace, then the creation of passion to fulfill the prays will be difficult to have. Does that make sense? Like if I pray for peace but I have no foundation, (no matter how little it is), I’m not going to be able to show the love to get that peace. Cosmically The Creator will answer your prays if one is at bay for Life as well as Peace, as when prayed to Father. Lord Vishnu will hear the prays and Lord Brahman would create them so you can be in peace with Lord Shiva. God will hear prays, the Son will create them so we can live in Spirit.

So those that are well situated in life and don’t pray as such or have need to, never forget that someone has prayed for you, someone has suffered for your blessed soul, someone has made that life easier, made that sacrifice. And they themselves that don’t have need to close eyes and pray are blessed souls with the passion of The Creator and the ignorance of The Destroyer, that The Preserver runs smoothly for them. However if one is with anger or feel like they want redemption then “have my words”, or the words of scriptures like “Marsha’Allah”, or “Jesus let it be so”, or “history has shown us that” to support you in your confrontations to preserve a bright future. Salaam. Praise The Lord.

The most exciting piece from the author Sandeep Patel. It’s as it says, spiritual as well as logical. A full square outline on what could have happened billions of years ago. And really what is actually happening as we speak.

