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Finally a vampire book series we can sink our teeth in: The divine covenant


There’s no sign of this sub-genre ever dying out, and the blood thirst continues to be strong. What is THE DIVINE COVENANT, though?

TRUE BLOOD, THE VAMPIRE DIARIES, VAMPIRE ACADEMY, THE STRAIN, TWILIGHT, ANITA BLAKE. The list goes on and on and on. Vampire literature still goes strong to this day given the pop culture mythology, but here’s the thing: it’s gotten to be a bit angst, teenager, young adult, soft, and slick with its storytelling. Not necessarily a bad thing, but remember the day when vampires were nothing but virile, wicked, bloody, and, well, not human at all? Those were the days.

Vampire Literature Has Gotten More Romantic and Less Horrific

Of course, I repeat: not necessarily a bad thing. Really all it does is affirm the fact that readers still like to absorb all they can on these stories much like how it was assimilated back in the day when Bram Stoker heralded his tale to birth an icon: Dracula.


But get ready for this series you may not have heard of from horror author Pierre Roustan, a master in the making and deliverer of not only the blood, but the thrills kindred to the likes of Dan Brown and the religious thriller, the techno sensitivity and high-concept work of such action pieces like Blade, Underworld, and Indiana Jones, all rolled into one tight series about a vampire hunter who, yes, may have some sexual appeal, but also represents the heroine humanely, and dramatic.

THE DIVINE COVENANT is a book series currently with two editions out. You can find the first edition, THE CAIN LETTERS, right here. The second book, CHIMERA FALLS, can be purchased here. The great thing about the series is that it almost doesn’t matter where you start in this series (although it’s preferred you read the first), because the aura, the mystery, the storytelling — it pulls you in.

THE CAIN LETTERS and CHIMERA FALLS Brings Horror, Drama, Action and Suspense Into a Massive Saga

And it doesn’t hold back — not even for a little bit. You’re dragged into the most gut-wrenching, heart-wringing, spine-bursting and wickedly devilish works about the vampire hunter Alexandra Glade and her quest to find a manuscript revealing the secret behind vampirism.

The two books touch on religious mythology, which you can guess is pulled from a lot of themes you’d see from Dan Brown and the idealism of Indiana Jones. But laced with all that philosophical and thought-provoking work is a high-octane thriller with chases, martial arts fight scenes, and dramatic gore that’ll keep you up all night.

We Won’t Go Into Any More Detail Other Than That — Except to Say That You Have to Buy These Books

Vampires don’t have to be about romanticism. Or relationships. It can, however, be about humanity. And this book series brings the mythology back to its roots with doses of tech and wicked action a la The Matrix with Alexandra Glade like Keanu Reeve’s Neo. Buy it. The series is a hidden gem. Worth every word. Worth every penny. Worth every read. Just plain worthy.

